Core need this step aims to fulfil: Safety
Key questions for this step:
What can support me / give me courage to make this invitation?
How can I be mindful of other people’s rhythms, needs and safety levels when finding the right setting for this conversation?
Is an external facilitator or mediator needed to support this conversation?
Some best practices that might be helpful:
- Express what you are observing and how it is affecting the collaboration to the team rather than entering your personal side of the story.
- Forcing a conversation will likely backfire: Check in if people are ready for the conversation and allow participants to do what is needed until they feel ready.
- When tension levels are quite high and there is a chance that this conversation may escalate beyond manageable levels, you may want to consider inviting an external facilitator or a mediator for this session.
- Be clear on the time you feel is needed to resolve the issue and make sure there is some buffer time available for the session.